Most Popular Smartphones (Android) 1H,2016

Time flies,the first half year of 2016 has passed, conventionally,every year at this time, Antutu will share with you different rankings of the lists.Hum hum, do you feel cheerful while listening about this news? OK, let us cut the crap and see today’s stuff right now. Today, Antutu will share with you the TOP 10 hot mobile phones in different area across the globe in the first half year of the year 2016.

The date to statistic the data: January 1st 2016-June 30th 2016

Date Source: Cony Ann evaluation V6.0

OK, let us firstly look at the TOP 10 hot mobile phones in the first half year in 2016 globally.We can obviously see from the list that, the Galaxy Note under the brand of Samsung and the series of S are warm welcomed by the consumers all across the world. In addition, the mobile phones with a cost performance of thousand yuan which are very popular in China are also highly welcomed overseas such as Redmi Note3, Redmi Note2, Le 1S.

While it is see from the TOP10 list of the hot mobile phones in the mainland of China of the fist half year in the year 2016 that most top places are carved up by MI, MEIZU and LeTV because of all of the three mobile brands have very high cost performance that attracting the Chinese people whose consuming level is low a lot. While the two series of new flagships launched by the  Korean brand Samsung also have great marketing cover rate in the Chinese market because of the good word of mouth of these two. Besides, Huawei Mate 8 series mainly with a business style are also welcomed in China very much.

The shopping preference about mobile phones of Taiwan consumers are quite different with the mainland consumers in China. Among the mobile phone brands, Samsung and the Taiwan domestic brand HTC and the mobile phones under the brand of HUAWEI are highly concerned by Taiwan people. In addition, consumers in Taiwan have great interest in the Japanese brand mobile phones, SONY has three styles under one brand and they are all in the list.

The Hong Kong people not only love Samsung but also love the performance cost at the same time. Although Samsung mobile phones are still in the leading position in the list, the magical mobile phones with the performance cost worth thousands such as Redmi Note3, Redmi Note2, Le 1S are also warm welcomed in Hong Kong.What is more, HUAWEI Mate 8 which performed averagely in Taiwan market is warm welcomed in Hong Kong.

Antutu will not mention a lot about the list in Korea, the list is fully occupied by the domestic brands, Samsung and LG occupy the top ten in the list and it is very hard for other mobile phone brand to have a finger in the pie!

It can be seen from the TOP 10 ranking of the hot brand American mobile phones  that the performance cost basically have little attractiveness to the Americans, they prefer the mobile phones with great brand and high technology such as Samsung and Google. In addition, it should be mentioned that the OnePlus mobile phones launched by the domestic brand OnePlus is very welcomed in America. OnePlus mobile phones adopt the OXYGEN OS SYSTEM overseas with the systematical style and UI operation with a tendency of originality which meets the tastes of the Americans.

With respect of the Russian hot mobile phones, we can even see a lot of Chinese mobile phones in the list, especially the mobile phone brands with the high performance costs like Redmi Note3, Redmi Note2, MEILAN2 mainly due to the relatively flourishing people-to-people commerce in the frontier between China and Russia leading to the Russian to buy the low performance cost mobile phones made in China.The thousands cost performance mobile phones are very attractive to the Russian as the Russian made mobile phones perform really bad. What is more, Asus ZenFone 2 made in Taiwan were sold well in Russia.

People in German commonly willing to purchase Samsung Mobile even without the ignorance of some relatively old Samsung flagship brands, for example, there are quite a few Germany willing to choose Samsung Galaxy S3.In addition,in Germany,the Chinese brand OnePlus covers a market share which is not too small.

India is basically the first landing point that Chinese brands launch and enlarge themselves overseas. The two companies which are MI and OnePlus pay great concern to the Indian market.MI chose to open the branch company in India directly while OnePlus have actively corporate with the Indian telecom operators, as a consequence, the products launched by these two companies have attracting a lot of attention by the Indian. It should be mentioned that, the Indian domestic brands are actually also very strong, the manufacture Micromax was used to learn the custom-built ROM model from the Chinese manufactures to launch the newly brand smart phone brand YU which is well welcomed in India. While cony estimates that Indian probably lacking the interest of mobile XPRT thus the submitted data from the Indian domestic mobile phone brand type is less.

As our neighbor,the people in Vietnam are highly influenced by domestic brands, in addition, most Vietnamese mainly like the high cost performance mobile phones.

While in the Malaysia market, because of the bad performance of the domestic mobile phones. Furthermore Malaysia also belongs to the Asia area, most Malaysian will choose China high cost performance mobile phones during their purchasing. The high cost performance mobile phones with a big screen are warm welcomed by local people in Malaysia such as Redmi Note3、Redmi Note2. In addition, we can see from the list that Malaysian are fond of big screen mobile phones very much, the mobile brand on the top list are all Note series.

In conclusion: From the above data, we can observe that the cost performance type mobile phones are well welcomed in the large areas all across the globe. Samsung Mobile phones own a very high level of publicity and the market cover rate of the flagship handset model is large.The domestic brands have very large market cover rate in Asia.

Above is the introduction of the TOP10 hot mobile types in different areas across the globe in the first half year in the year 2016 by cony to you all today.If you wish to obtain more information about the ranking list, please pay attention to Cony Ann’s WeChat subscription at: Antutu Benchmark. OK,see you next period.
